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Seat selection on map [Teatro Franco Parenti | 24.01.2025 - 19:45 | SCENE DA UN MATRIMONIO] - Teatro Franco Parenti - TEST
SALA GRANDETeatro Franco Parenti
Friday, 24 January 2025
SALA GRANDETeatro Franco Parenti
Promoter: Teatro Franco Parenti
Ispirato al celebre capolavoro di Ingmar Bergman, è la storia di una coppia che cerca un modo per rimanere unita. È l’anatomia di una crisi matrimoniale che si trasforma, nel confronto con l’altro, in una radiografia del sé. Nel ruolo dei protagonisti i due grandi interpreti Fausto Cabra e Sara Lazzaro, diretti da Raphael Tobia Vogel.
Unfortunately, the seats could not be attributed because of social distancing restrictions. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please select new ones.
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Unfortunately, the seat you have chosen is not available for all performances in the Season Ticket. Please modify your selection to select another seat.
The selection you made does not follow social distancing restrictions. You can either modify your selection or trust our automatic proposal (the system automatically selects the best available seats).
There is currently a large number of robots trying to acquire tickets. Before adding this selection to the cart we want to check that you are a human. Please click on the button below to continue.
Unable to find enough seats for your request, please try removing some or selecting another seat category.
Unable to select the seat, please try with another seat in the same block with selected seats in your cart for the seated seat category of the performance.
There is no price available for the selected seat.